Wireless LAN

In its 30 years of existence, Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) has revolutionized the world.

In early 2002, a small R&D team at Bell Labs in Nieuwegein (NL), was searching for a Product Manager. Familiarity with Bell Labs procedures was deemed more important than specific technical knowledge.

There I was, stepping into the unknown world of Wi-Fi, and I have never looked back.

The opportunity to be at the forefront of a technology that has revolutionized the world has been an incredible journey. The exciting part is that the journey is far from over. To this day, I remain deeply involved in enhancing the robustness of the technology and preparing it for a sustainable future.

Starting as a Product Manager for outdoor Wi-Fi applications, I have had the privilege of contributing to technical specifications, managing a complete product line, and helping to establish new Wi-Fi nomenclatures. Additionally, serving as an industry representative to the EU (DG Connect) and various National Regulatory Agencies (NRAs) has been more than an honor.

My extensive, long-term knowledge of Wi-Fi technology, coupled with comprehensive contacts throughout the entire Wireless LAN value chain. Hence, equips me with a strong attribute for those needing to make quick and informed decisions in this field.