
Global Go-to-Market Strategies

The publications consist out of a total of two series, around the subject of Global Go-to-Market Strategies. Each series comprises one comprehensive volume and four distinct eBooks. The first series is focused on business in particular Scale-Up’s, where the second series is educational with focus on Business Students. Together, these resources provide structured guidance across four essential steps/modules. These steps are designed to be followed sequentially, from the initial (1) feasibility study, through choosing the appropriate (2) Route-to-Market/sales, considering (3) local resources/HRM, up to establishing an (4) efficient visibility/marketing strategy in new regions.

This business series specifically targets Scale-Ups. For companies with limited budgets, taking a misaligned approach to global expansion can be more costly than anticipated. Such missteps can lead not only to financial losses but also to lasting scars and foster negative sentiments toward future expansion efforts.

Recognising the time constraints faced by Scale-Up management teams and their investors, this book draws from real-life, practical experience. It encourages stakeholders to invest the necessary time and resources up front. So that both the company and its leadership are fully prepared for the journey to becoming a global player.

The educational publications has been crafted specifically for college-based business students (Bachelor’s level), where theory and practice come together. It is suited for students in global technical, business, or marketing programs. In some cases, it may also be suitable for pre-master’s students or as part of a Global Marketing course within an MBA program.

Per serie, there are four individual eBooks offering an opportunity to share specific, relevant insights of a distinct part or module with team members or students without requiring distribution of the entire comprehensive book.

Business Books

eBook & Book – published



eBook & Book – published
